(劳资双方就工资、工作条件等进行的)集体谈判 When a trade union engages in collective bargaining, it has talks with an employer about its members' pay and working conditions.
This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country. 这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。
Collective bargaining rights differ from state to state. 每个州的集体谈判权利都不同。
The Republican governor proposes to end collective bargaining rights for most public employees except on the issue of wages. 共和党对于大多数政府雇员集体争取权益表示反对,但是对在工资待遇上表示赞同。
The lockout will continue until a new collective bargaining agreement is reached with the National Basketball Players Association. 这份冻结会持续到篮球联赛委员会和运动员们达成新的薪资条件为止。
Representatives from the NBA and the players 'association have completed a meeting to discuss a new collective bargaining agreement. NBA球星代表和球员工会成员已经开了一次会议,讨论新的劳资谈判协议。
State workers, a lot of them teachers, furious over Governor Scott Walker's plans to cut their benefits and collective bargaining rights. 工人和教师对州长斯科特沃克计划削减工人的利益和限制集体谈判权利感到很愤怒。
Enterprises may also be reluctant to provide financial information and operational information relating to wage collective bargaining. 企业也有可能不愿提供有关工资集体协商的财务资讯和运营资讯。
I don't think you believe in the power of collective bargaining. 你大概不相信集体的力量。
These unions are now beginning to flex their collective bargaining muscles. 这些工会现在已经开始展示其集体谈判实力。
With the spread of collective bargaining in government, unions and contractual grievance procedures often provide a further source of protection against improper dismissal or suspension. 随着政府中集体谈判的普及、工会和合同冤情程序常常为不适当的开除或中止提供进一步的保护。
The participants to the collective bargaining are obliged to keep such information and material confidential. 集体协商参与者均须对此等资讯与资料保密。
To the leaders of organized labor the fundamental issue was protection of right of collective bargaining. 对于有组织的劳工领袖来说,基本问题是保护集体谈判的权力。
The Trade Union and Collective Bargaining& Construct harmonious labor relations 工会和集体谈判&构建和谐劳动关系
There are too many issues relating to the new collective bargaining agreement to make quality trades easy. 有与新的集体交易协议有关使质量贸易容易的太多议题。
They had to take the tactics of unionization and collective bargaining so as to protect their rights and interests. 为了维护和捍卫自身权益,高校教师不惜参与或组织工会,与校方进行集体谈判。
In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company. 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。
The system does not provide a legal base for collective bargaining. 中国的体制没有为集体议价提供法律基础。
And, even if the collective bargaining system has been established, it does not mean the right on collective bargaining will be protected. 而且,即便确立了集体谈判制度,也并不意味着集体谈判权一定能够得到保障。
Uphold freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining; 维护结社自由和集体谈判权;
Collective bargaining of employee benefits should involve corporate benefit professionals. 员工福利在集体议商制定时,公司的福利专业人员应积极涉入参与。
Although wage collective bargaining in China has a long way to go, the trend is clear. 虽然中国工资集体协商长路漫漫,但未来的趋势却是明确的。
Most corporations require that workers have right to form independent labor organizations and engage in collective bargaining. 大部分大企业要求供应商规定工人有权组织独立的工会组织并可以进行集体谈判。
Actually, trade rules were loosened as part of the new collective bargaining agreement. 事实上,由于新劳资协议的部分内容,交易规则已经被放宽松了。
At least as important, the law appears to enshrine a right to collective bargaining. 至少同样重要的是,这项法律似乎确立了工人有集体谈判的权利。
Collective bargaining by unions tended to push up wages for non-graduates reducing the differential between them and university graduates. 工会的集体议价往往会推高非大学毕业生的工资,减少他们与大学毕业生之间的差距。
The price of labor is sometimes determined through collective bargaining between a union and an employer or his representative. 劳动力的价格有时是通过工会和它的雇主或雇主代表进行集体谈判决定的。
However, the right on collective bargaining has not been protected as an independent right in many countries. 尽管如此,很多国家并未把集体谈判权作为一项独立的权利加以保障。
Analysts forecast wages will rise more sharply and collective bargaining will increase. 分析师预计,中国工人工资的增幅会进一步加大,劳资双方的谈判也会增加。
The Effects of Collective Bargaining on Determination of Wage in China 集体谈判对我国企业工资决定机制的影响
The unions should concentrate on securing their demands through collective bargaining. 各工会应着重通过集体谈判来达到他们的要求。